Businesses for GO

Your business can save up to $100,000. Contribute to GO!

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to save without sacrificing quality or productivity and to stretch your dollars so you can do more with less.  Contributing through GO is a powerful way for your business to enjoy major tax savings and help empower education in your community.

Don’t leave it up to the politicians to decide. Use GO to convert your state income tax liability into investments in your community through your public schools.

GO gives you the power to direct your tax dollars to support education in your community without hassle or risk.  It’s a powerful way to invest in the future of education in Oklahoma.

Two Contribution Options

Here is how your business can support GO for Public Schools:

Contribution COMMITMENT

Make a 2-year pledge, get


of your contribution back as a state income tax credit
each year


Make a single contribution, get


of your contribution back as a state income tax credit

Filing Option

(based on tax filing status)


Earn up to


each year

NOTE:  Owners of pass-through entities (LLCs, partnerships, S Corps) qualify to receive tax credits at the higher $100,000 annual amount available to the entity through which the tax credits flow.

Be sure to talk to your accountant or financial advisor for specific advice. GO can help them understand all the details so you can maximize your tax savings and make the biggest positive impact for yourself and your community with your taxes.

“We have gladly participated in the GO for Public Schools education tax credit program through our family business. Our business gets significant tax advantages that flow through to our owners. Best of all, the people overseeing the GO program make it easy for us to take advantage of the opportunity and claim all the benefits. GO offers a true win-win scenario for our business and community. We urge you to take a strong look!”

GO Business Contributor
Owner of a Family Business
Structured as an S Corp

MAXIMIZE YOUR TAX BENEFITS. Businesses can also benefit from a meaningful tax deduction when they make a contribution through GO for Public Schools and demonstrate their strong commitment to public education.